Blue Rock Advisors

Blue Rock Advisors is a Minnesota based hedge fund company providing long/short market neutral investments. Blue Rock was founded in 1989.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Market Neutral
Fund of Funds
Assets Under Management (AUM):
$320 (millions)
Robert Fullerton, Principal
Mark F. Steen, Principal
Contact Info:
Blue Rock Advisors
445 East Lake Street, Suite 230
Wayzata, MN 55391

Ph: 1 952-229-8700
Fax:  1 952-229-8700
Find detailed information for Blue Rock Advisors at HedgeLists. Full company information for Blue Rock Advisors, including executive contacts, email addresses, and updated info can be found in the United States Hedge Fund List, North America Hedge Fund List, and Fund of Funds List.