Alexandra Investment Management

Alexandra Investment Management is a hedge fund manager based in New York. Alexandra invests in the equity and credit markets using fundamental and quantitative analysis and was founded in 1993. In addition to its NYC office, Alexandra has offices in Illinois and Paris, France. Five years ago, Alexandra was investigated as part of a probe by the Securities and Exchange Commission into possible wrongdoing with regard to private investments in public equities.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Assets Under Management:
1000 ($ Millions)
John Hock, President
Mark Polemeni, Chief Compliance Officer
Mikhail Filimonov,  Chief Investment Officer
Contact Info:
Alexandra Investment Management
767 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Ph: (1) 212-301-1800

You can find detailed information for Alexandra Investment Management at HedgeLists. Full company information for Alexandra Investment Management, including executive contacts, email addresses, and updated info can be found in the United States Hedge Fund List and North America Hedge Fund List.