Atlant Fonder AB

Atlant Fonder is a Swedish hedge fund company operating five funds. In addition to Swedish equity funds, the company also operates derivative and multi-asset portfolios.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Fixed Income
Absolute Return
Global Macro
Eva Olsson, CEO
Anders Kullberg, Managing Director
Marcus Gasslander,  Director of Operations
Contact Info:
Atlant Fonder AB
Sveavägen 47
Stockholm,  113 59
Ph: (8) 457 33 70
Fax:  (8) 457 33 71

You can find detailed information for Atlant Fonder AB at HedgeLists. Full company information for Atlant Fonder AB, including executive contacts, email addresses, current assets under management, and updated info can be found in the Absolute Return Hedge Fund List, Sweden Hedge Fund List, and Europe Hedge Fund List.