Aurum Fund Management


Aurum Fund Management is a hedge fund based in Hamilton, Bermuda. Aurum Fund Management was founded in 1994 and has approximately $1.45 billion in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 3 employees and specializes in Fund of Funds, Multi Strategy, and Commodities.

Contact Info

Aurum Fund Management

PO Box HM1806, Hamilton
Aurum House, 35 Richmond Road
Hamilton HM 08
View Map

Phone: 441 292 6952

Fax: 441 295 4164

Main email: Email Available

Employment email: Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $1.45 billion

# of employees: 3

Year founded: 1994

Investment strategies: Fund of Funds Multi Strategy Commodities

Hiring status: Hiring status available

Key Employees

Adam Sweiden, Founding Partner and Chief Investment Officer
Arthur Morris, Director
Jane Weingartner, Director and Compliance Manager - Email Available

Full Information

Get full fund information for Aurum Fund Management including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

Offshore Hedge Fund List
Commodity Hedge Fund List


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