Bailard Inc. is a hedge fund manager based in Foster City, CA. The company was founded in 1969, has 34 employees, and has $1.384 billion in assets under management (AUM). Bailard Inc. uses long/short, real estate, and multi strategy strategies.

Address and Contact Info
Bailard Inc.
950 Tower Lane, Suite 1900
Foster City, CA 94404

Phone: (1) 650-571-800
Fax: (1) 650-571-642

Key Stats

Office Locations: Foster City

Assets Under Management: $1.384 billion

Employees/Professionals: 34

Year Founded: 1969

Download detailed info on Bailard Inc. in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund List
North America Hedge Fund List
Long/Short Hedge Fund List
Multi Strategy Hedge Fund List
Real Estate Hedge Fund List