Basis Capital Group

Basis Capital Group is an Australian hedge fund company specializing in Pacific Rim and Asian equities. Basis operates four hedge funds including the Basis Aust-Rim Diversified Fund and the Basis Yield Alpha Fund, a global arbitrage fund.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Asian Equity
Assets Under Management (AUM):
$4,100 (millions)
Steven Howell, Chief Investment Officer
Stuart Fowler, Director
Contact Info:
Basis Capital Group
Level 13, Regus Macquarie House
167 Macquarie Street
Sydney,  NSW 2000

Ph: 61 2 8234 5500
Fax:  61 2 8234 5500
You can find detailed information for Basis Capital Group at HedgeLists. Full company information for Basis Capital Group, including executive contacts, email addresses, and updated info can be found in the Australia Hedge Fund List and Multi Strategy Hedge Fund List.