Capula Investment Management
Capula Investment Management is a London based fixed income hedge fund company. Capula Investment Management also has offices in Tokyo and Greenwich, CT. Capula manages credit absolute return and fixed income portable alpha strategies.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Fixed Income
Assets Under Management:
$4750 (millions)
Yan Huo, Chief Investment Officer
Contact Info:
Capula Investment Management
Level 3, 8 Lancelot Palce
London, SW7 1DR
United Kingdom
Phone: (44) 20 7071 0900
Fax: (44) 20 7071 0950
Find detailed information for Capula Investment Management at Full company information for Capula Investment Management, including executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated info, can be found in the United Kingdom Hedge Fund List, Europe Hedge Fund List, and Credit Hedge Fund List.