GLG Partners
GLG Partners is a London based hedge fund company with additional offices in New York and Geneva. In 2010, GLG Partners was acquired by Man Group. GLG was founded in 1995 and operates more than 60 hedge fund and fund of funds products.
Hedge Fund Strategies:
Multi Strategy Global Macro Fund of Funds
Assets Under Management:
$22950 (Millions)
Noam Gottesman, Co-CEO
Emmanuel Roman, Co-CEO
Contact Information:
GLG Partners
One Curzon Street
London, W1J 5HB
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 20 70 16 7000
Download detailed information (30+ categories) for GLG Partners at Full company information for GLG Partners, including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated info can be found in the United Kingdom Hedge Fund List, Europe Hedge Fund List, and Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund List.