Haibo Yi Investment Management Co


Haibo Yi Investment Management Co is a hedge fund based in Shanghai, China. Haibo Yi Investment Management Co has approximately $950 million in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 84 employees and specializes in Emerging Markets and Asian Equity.

Contact Info

Haibo Yi Investment Management Co

61 Lujiazui East Road, Room 1315
China Merchants Tower
Shanghai 200120
View Map

Phone: 21 5877 6397

Fax: 21 5877 6397


Main email: Email Available

Employment email: Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $950 million

# of employees: 84

Investment strategies: Emerging Markets Asian Equity

Hiring status: Hiring status available

Key Employees

Xu Dacheng, Chief Investment Officer
Lee Hyung, Vice President

Full Information

Get full fund information for Haibo Yi Investment Management Co including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

China Hedge Fund List
Asia Hedge Fund List
Emerging Markets Hedge Fund List


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