Hanseatic Management Services


Hanseatic Management Services is a hedge fund management company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hanseatic Management Services was founded in 1977.

Hedge Fund Strategies:


Assets Under Management:

$325 (Millions)


Katherine Burr, Director

Ed Meihaus, Director



Contact Information:

Hanseatic Management Services

5600 Wyoming NE, Suite 220

Albuquerque, NM 87109

United States

Phone: 1 505 828 2824

Fax: 1 505 828 2825


Download detailed information (30+ categories) for Hanseatic Management Services at www.HedgeLists.com. Full company information for Hanseatic Management Services,  including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated info can be found in the United States Hedge Fund List and North America Hedge Fund List.