Hatteras Funds is a hedge fund manager based in Raleigh, NC. The company was founded in 2003, has 40 employees, and has $2.02 billion in assets under management (AUM). Hatteras Funds uses fund of funds and multi strategy strategies.

Address and Contact Info
Hatteras Funds
8540 Colonnade Center Drive, Suite 401
Raleigh, NC 27615

Phone: (1) 919-846-324
Fax: (1) 919-846-433

Key Stats

Office Locations: Raleigh

Assets Under Management: $2.02 billion

Employees/Professionals: 40

Year Founded: 2003

Download detailed info on Hatteras Funds in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund List
North America Hedge Fund List
Fund of Hedge Funds List
Multi Strategy Hedge Fund List