John Locke Investments


John Locke Investments is a hedge fund manager based in France. John Locke Investments offers onshore and offshore hedge funds as well as managed accounts.

Hedge Fund Strategies:

FX   Managed Futures   Commodities

Assets Under Management:

$160 (Millions)


Francois Bonnin, Managing Partner

Marc Botter, Managing Partner


Contact Information:

John Locke Investments

38 Av. Franklin Roosevelt

Fountainebleau,   77210


Phone: 33 64 70 40 40

Fax: 33 60 74 99 38


Download detailed information (30+ categories) for John Locke Investments at Full company information for John Locke Investments,  including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated info can be found in the France Hedge Fund List, Europe Hedge Fund List, and Commodity Hedge Fund List.