Pinebank Asset Management


Pinebank Asset Management is a long/short credit hedge fund manager based in New York. Pinebank manages the Pinebank Catalyst Master Fund.

Hedge Fund Strategies:


Assets Under Management:

$190 (millions)


David Zornitsky, Managing Director


Contact Information:

Pinebank Asset Management

100 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor

New York, NY 10017

United States

Phone Number: 1 212 351 3333

Fax Number: 1 212 351 3351


Download detailed information on Pinebank Asset Management LP (30+ categories) and thousands of other hedge funds at Information for Pinebank Asset Management, including address, phone, website URL, multiple executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated AUM info can be found in the Credit Hedge Fund List, North America Hedge Fund List, and United States Hedge Fund List