Rogers Investment Advisors


Rogers Investment Advisors is a hedge fund based in Tokyo, Japan. Rogers Investment Advisors has approximately $150 million in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 1 employees and specializes in Asian Equity.

Contact Info

Rogers Investment Advisors

32 Shiba Koen Building 7F
3-4-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0011
View Map

Phone: 813 4520 5580

Fax: 813 4520 5582

Main email: Email Available

Employment email: Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $150 million

# of employees: 1

Investment strategies: Asian Equity

Hiring status: Hiring status available

Key Employees

Ed Rogers, CEO - Email Available

Rory Kennedy, Chief Operating Officer
Yoshiaki Iizuka, Managing Director

Full Information

Get full fund information for Rogers Investment Advisors including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

Japan Hedge Fund List
Asia Hedge Fund List


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