Sprott Asset Management


Sprott Asset Management is a hedge fund manager based in Toronto, Canada. Sprott Asset Management was founded in 2000.

Hedge Fund Strategies:

Small Cap   Long/Short

Assets Under Management:

$9,600 (millions)


Eric Sprott, CEO and Portfolio Manager



Contact Information:

Sprott Asset Management

Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2700

Toronto   M5J 2J1


Phone Number:  416 943 6707

Fax Number:  416 943 6497


Download detailed info for Sprott Asset Management (30+ categories) and thousands of other hedge funds at www.HedgeLists.com. Information for  Sprott Asset Management, including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated AUM info can be found in the North America Hedge Fund List, Canada Hedge Fund List, and Long/Short Hedge Fund List.