Stonebridge Advisors


Stonebridge Advisors is a hedge fund based in Wilton, CT. Stonebridge Advisors has approximately $4.1185 billion in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 8 employees and specializes in Equity.

Contact Info

Stonebridge Advisors

187 Danbury Road

Wilton, CT 6897
United States
View Map

Phone: 1 203-762-0004

Fax: 1 203-761-1236

Main email: Email Available

Employment email: Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $4.1185 billion

12 month change in AUM: 19%

# of employees: 8

# of clients: More than 100

Form of Incorporation: Limited Liability Company

Investment strategies: Equity

Hiring status: Hiring status available

Key Employees

Scott Fleming, President and Chief Investment Officer - Email Available

Alan Shepard, Senior Risk Analyst

Full Information

Get full fund information for Stonebridge Advisors including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

US Hedge Fund List
North America Hedge Fund List


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