The Arbitrage Fund


The Arbitrage Fund is a hedge fund based in New York, NY. The firm has 1 employees and specializes in Arbitrage.

Contact Info

The Arbitrage Fund

41 Madison Avenue, 28th Floor

New York, NY 10010
United States
View Map

Phone: 1 800-295-4485

Main email: Email Available

Employment email: Email Available

Key Stats

# of employees: 1

Investment strategies: Arbitrage

Hiring status: Hiring status available

Key Employees

John Orrico, President and Portfolio Manager
Matthew Hemberger, Chief Compliance Officer
Todd W. Munn, Senior Analyst

Full Information

Get full fund information for The Arbitrage Fund including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

US Hedge Fund List
North America Hedge Fund List


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