Hedge Fund Jobs - London

hedge fund job searchLooking forĀ  a hedge fund job in London or elsewhere in the UK? There are currently 46 hedge funds that are hiring in London. Below you will find a small sample of these funds. If you'd like to view all 46 hedge funds with open jobs, along with over 325 hedge funds in London and the UK, please see our UK Hedge Fund List.



List of Hedge Fund Job Opportunties in London:

  • Alcentra - London, United Kingdom
  • Alphadyne Asset Management - London, United Kingdom
  • Arden Asset Management - London, United Kingdom
  • Arrowgrass Capital Partners - London, United Kingdom
  • Balyasny Europe Asset Management - London, United Kingdom
  • Beach Horizon - London, United Kingdom
  • Beach Point Capital Management - London, United Kingdom
  • Black River Asset Management - Surrey, United Kingdom
  • Blackfriars Asset Management - London, United Kingdom
  • BlackRock Investment Management UK - London, United Kingdom

Remember, the above is just a small sampling of the 46 hedge funds that are currently seeking new employees in London. For a complete and up-to-date list of 325+ hedge funds in the UK, along with more than 30 categories of company information perfect for job-seekers, download our UK Hedge Fund List. Whether you are looking for a hedge fund Analyst, Trader, or other position this list is truly a must-have resource and is the only hedge fund list with a category for hiring status.

UK Hedge Fund List