Hedge Fund Jobs - Singapore

hedge fund job searchLooking for a hedge fund job in Singapore? There are several dozen hedge funds in Singapore, but do you know which ones are currently hiring? The list below is a sample of the numerous hedge funds in Singapore which are currently hiring new employees. For a complete list of more than 5o hedge funds in Singapore, along with their current hiring status, please see the Singapore Hedge Fund List.


Hedge Funds Hiring in Singapore:

  • AEW Capital Management - Singapore
  • Alphadyne Asset Management - Singapore

Remember, the above are just a small sampling of the dozens of hedge funds in our Singapore Hedge Fund List. In addition to hiring status, this list provides more than 30 categories of useful information on each fund including contact details, top executives and HR persons, AUM, fund strategies and so much. Whether you are looking for an Analyst, Director, or any other hedge fund job in Singapore, this list truly is a must-have resource.

Singapore Hedge Fund List