Oceana Investimentos

Oceana Investimentos is a hedge fund manager based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They were founded in 2008 and have 9 employees. Oceana Investimentos invests using long/short and emerging markets investment strategies.

Address and Contact Info for Oceana Investimentos

Oceana Investimentos

Visconde de Pirajá, 430, 11th floor, Ipanema
Rio de Janeiro 22410-002

Website: http://www.oceanainvestimentos.com.br

Phone: (55) 21 3222 8200


number of employees Oceana Investimentos# of employees: 9

Oceana Investimentos assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): more AUM info for Oceana Investimentos

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Long/Short, Emerging Markets

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: No

main email addressMain Fund Email: xxx@oceanainvestimentos.com.br more info

Leadership for Oceana Investimentos

Leonard Messer contact infoLeonard Messer – Founding Partner:
xxx@oceanainvestimentos.com.brmore info

Alexandre Rezende contact infoAlexandre Rezende – Chief Operating Officer:
xxx@oceanainvestimentos.com.brmore info

executive contactRicardo Gandara – Operations

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List of hedge funds in Brazil

List of hedge funds in South America

List of emerging market hedge fund managers

List of L/S hedge funds