
Robeco is a hedge fund manager based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They were founded in 1929 and have 1000 employees. Robeco invests utilizing fixed income, esg, quantitative, and emerging markets strategies.

Address and Contact Info for Robeco


Weena 850
Rotterdam 3014 DA


Phone: (31) 10 224 1224


number of employees Robeco# of employees: 1000

Robeco assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $185 billion more AUM info for Robeco

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Fixed Income, ESG, Quantitative

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: No

main email addressMain Fund Email: more info

Leadership for Robeco

Georgi Kyosev contact infoGeorgi Kyosev – Portfolio Manager

Chris Berkouwer contact infoChris Berkouwer – Portfolio Manager

executive contactJoop Kohler – Head of Fixed Income

executive contactDaniel Haesen – Portfolio Manager

Get full info on Robeco including updated assets under management, executive and company emails, and more than 35 categories of additional information.


Download full info for Robeco in Excel format in the following lists:

List of hedge funds in Europe

List of emerging market hedge fund managers

List of credit hedge funds