Samena Capital Investments

Samena Capital Investments is a hedge fund manager based in Dubai, UAE. They were founded in 2008 and have 25 employees. Samena Capital Investments primarily utilizes a emerging markets strategy.

Address and Contact Info for Samena Capital Investments

Samena Capital Investments

14th Floor, South Tower, Emirates Financial Towers, DIFC


Phone: (971) 4436 4900

Fax: (971) 4436 4901


number of employees Samena Capital Investments# of employees: 25

Samena Capital Investments assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $810 million more AUM info for Samena Capital Investments

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Emerging Markets

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: No

main email addressMain Fund Email: more info

Leadership for Samena Capital Investments

Shirish Saraf contact infoShirish Saraf – Founder:
xxx@samenacapital.commore info

Siddharth Bhargava contact infoSiddharth Bhargava – Managing Director:
xxx@samenacapital.commore info

executive contactAmit Khosla – Managing Director:
xxx@samenacapital.commore info

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List of emerging market hedge fund managers