Sancus Capital Management LP

Sancus Capital Management LP is a hedge fund manager based in New York, NY. They were founded in 2009. Sancus Capital Management invests utilizing multi strategy, long/short, and fixed income strategies.

Address and Contact Info for Sancus Capital Management

Sancus Capital Management LP

1325 Avenue of the Americas, 28th Floor
New York, NY 10019


Phone: (1) 212-277-8255

Fax: (1) 646-217-3710


number of employees Sancus Capital Management# of employees:

Sancus Capital Management assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $136.4 million more AUM info for Sancus Capital Management

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Multi Strategy, Long/Short, Fixed Income

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: Yes

main email addressMain Fund Email: more info

Leadership for Sancus Capital Management LP

Olga Chernova contact infoOlga Chernova – Managing Partner:
xxx@sancuscap.commore info

Charles Carey contact infoCharles Carey – Portfolio Manager:
xxx@sancuscap.commore info

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List of hedge funds in the US

List of hedge funds in North America

List of credit hedge funds

List of L/S hedge funds