Vontobel Asset Management

Vontobel Asset Management is a hedge fund manager based in Hong Kong. They were founded in 2010 and have 31 employees. Vontobel Asset Management primarily utilizes a long/short strategy.

Address and Contact Info for Vontobel Asset Management

Vontobel Asset Management

1901 Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong

Website: http://www.vontobel.com

Phone: (852) 3655 3990


number of employees Vontobel Asset Management# of employees: 31

Vontobel Asset Management assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $846.5 million more AUM info for Vontobel Asset Management

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Long/Short

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: Yes

main email addressMain Fund Email: xxx@vontobel.ch more info

Leadership for Vontobel Asset Management

Romain Pasche contact infoRomain Pasche – Portfolio Manager

Zeno Staub contact infoZeno Staub – CEO

executive contactAxel Schwarzer – Head of Asset Management:
xxx@vontobel.chmore info

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List of hedge funds in Asia

List of L/S hedge funds