Waddell & Reed

Waddell & Reed is a hedge fund manager based in Overland Park, KS. They were founded in 1937 and have 2000 employees. Waddell & Reed primarily utilizes a global equity strategy.

Address and Contact Info for Waddell & Reed

Waddell & Reed

6300 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66202

Website: http://www.waddell.com/

Phone: (1) 877-887-0867

Fax: (1) 913-236-1888


number of employees Waddell & Reed# of employees: 2000

Waddell & Reed assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $1.012 billion more AUM info for Waddell & Reed

investment strategiesInvestment Strategies: Global Equity

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: Yes

main email addressMain Fund Email: xxx@waddell.com more info

main email addressHR Email: xxx@waddell.com more info

Leadership for Waddell & Reed

John Sundeen contact infoJohn Sundeen – Director

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List of hedge funds in North America