White Oaks Investment Management

White Oaks Investment Management is a hedge fund manager based in Longboat Key, FL. They were founded in 2013 and have 3 employees.

Address and Contact Info for White Oaks Investment Management

White Oaks Investment Management

595 Bay Isles Road, Suite 250
Longboat Key, FL 34228

Website: http://www.whiteoaksinv.com

Phone: (1) 941-361-9000


number of employees White Oaks Investment Management# of employees: 3

White Oaks Investment Management assets under management (AUM)Assets Under Management (AUM): $342.8 million more AUM info for White Oaks Investment Management

fund is sec registered?SEC Registered: Yes

main email addressMain Fund Email: xxx@whiteoaksinv.com more info

Leadership for White Oaks Investment Management

Robert Klosterman contact infoRobert Klosterman – CEO and Chief Investment Officer:
xxx@whiteoaksinv.commore info

Sharon Bloodworth contact infoSharon Bloodworth – President and Partner:
xxx@whiteoaksinv.commore info

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