Fulcrum Asset Management


Fulcrum Asset Management is a London, UK based hedge fund company. Fulcrum Asset Management operates invests in currency, commodity, credit, and equity markets and operates three hedge funds and a fund of hedge funds.

Hedge Fund Strategies:

Global Macro    Fund of Hedge Funds

Assets Under Management (AUM):

$785 (Millions)


Gavyn Davies, Co-Founder

Andrew Stevens, Co-Founder



Contact Information:

Fulcrum Asset Management

6 Chesterfield Gardens

London ,  W1J 5BQ

United Kingdom

Phone: 44 20 7016 6450

Fax: 44 20 7016 6460

Download detailed information (30+ categories) for Fulcrum Asset Management at www.HedgeLists.com. Full company information for Fulcrum Asset Management,  including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and recently updated info can be found in the United Kingdom Hedge Fund List, Europe Hedge Fund List, Global Macro Hedge Fund List and Fund of Funds List.