57 Stars


57 Stars is a hedge fund based in Washington DC and was founded in 2005. 57 Stars focuses on private equity partnerships outside the US.

Hedge Fund Strategies:

Emerging Markets

Assets Under Management (AUM):

$1,700 (millions)


Christopher T. Bruneau, Executive Director



Contact Information:

57 Stars

616 H Streetm N.W. Suite 450

Washington, DC 20001

United States

Phone: 1 202 824 1600

Fax: 1 202 824 4300


Download detailed information (30+ categories) for 57 Stars at www.HedgeLists.com. Full company information for 57 Stars,  including address, phone, website URL, executive contacts, email addresses, and current assets under management can be found in the United States Hedge Fund List, North America Hedge Fund List, and Emerging Markets Hedge Fund List.